Our new three-part webinar series is designed to educate you on EM workforce issues that will be discussed at the Health Policy in Emergency Medicine Symposium (HPEM) at AAEM23. All AAEM/RSA resident and student members are encouraged to attend, even if you aren’t planning on attending HPEM! (If you aren’t currently a member and would like to attend, learn more about joining AAEM/RSA today!)
Watch the Full Three-Part Series
Part 1: What Is ‘Scope of Practice’ and How Does It Impact Me?
January 11, 2023
Whether you know it or not, scope of practice in emergency medicine is an ongoing, important issue that will affect you, as an EM resident or student, as you move through your training. It encompasses everything from patient safety to job satisfaction to current and future employment opportunities.
This webinar will give you a basic foundation on what the major scope of practice issues are on the political stage, how it affects each (future) physician, and most importantly, how you can engage in the work being done to help protect the future of emergency medicine.
Speakers: Dr. Debbie Fletcher, Dr. Natalie Newman, and Dr. Vicki Norton
Watch NowPart 2: Why Are ‘Scope of Practice’ Issues Happening and How Are They Impacting My Patients?
February 23, 2023
Scope of Practice is a term we are familiar with, but what issues are exactly happening and what does it mean for me as student, resident, and attending? This webinar will dive into the act of organizations replacing physicians with non-physician providers. We will discuss the financial and patient safety issues that inadvertently arise from this ongoing issue.
Speakers: Dr. Debbie Fletcher, Dr. Natalie Newman, and Dr. Mitchell Li
Watch NowPart 3: Solutions to the Expanding Scopes of Practice being Advocated for by Non-Physician Providers (NPPs)
March 23, 2023
In this webinar, you will learn of various avenues and/or organizations to further involve yourself to champion physician-led care where they are in training. Active advocacy is diverse; it may look like electronically opposing bills that work to expand scopes of practice of NPPs or crafting/supporting policies and resolutions that champion physician-led care. It also looks like educating yourself and peers as well as showing up in the halls of State Capitols to testify. Join us to learn how you can advocate for not only emergency medicine, but for the profession of physicians moving forward.
Speakers: Dr. Debbie Fletcher, Dr. Natalie Newman, and Dr. William Sullivan
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